We had special Pub Scrawl Cookies! The lovely Tara provided these tasty PS goodies for another great Pub Scrawl.
Look at how busy we were -

My Space Mexicans Attack!

Patrick bought prep work.

Jenny's Attack of the Space Mexicans.

Mary takes on Space and Mexicans - twice!

Ger gives us a Space Luchador!

That's a busy Pub Scrawl.

All the O'Briens work on crafts. This was definitely the night that Knitting/Crochet took over Pub scrawl. :P

Mo works on her crafts.

Michelle works on her circular stitches. I think this is for a sock. :)

Tara's hat.

Fiona makes a body for her little Angel.

Yolande waves bye-bye to the Pub Scrawl with her newly created gloves. Bye-bye.

Don't forget! Our next Pub Scrawl is on a TUESDAY the 29th of November. In Monroe's, not our usual home of McSwiggans. The lovely, lovely people of Drink Draw Cork are coming to join us for Galway Pub Scrawl Special Event 002 - Drink Draw WITH Drink Draw Cork
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