Admin Monday is back with a collection of links & updates from our
Facebook Group and beyond!
Join the group to get this information & invites to all our events first, and don't forget to check
the Art from our last Pub Scrawl, Deep Fried Dreams.
If you're in Galway, you should really check out the
Galway Arts Centre/
Illustrators Ireland Exhibition, "
Without The Words" - it's excellent and everyone should see it.
Yolande was playing job fairy -
The National Print Museum is looking for an Education Officer.
Patrick found these
cool street reference photos.
The mighty Mike Hawthorne was giving away a
little PDF of sketchbook work on Gumroad. It's really awesome.
Brian Cunningham linked to this great video -
Ideas for the 31 Day Drawing Challenge maybe? highlighted the nominees for the
2017 Chesley Awards - and with good reason, as there are tons of Tor nominees.
The Portrait Society of America has their
2017 finalists on their website, speaking of awards.
Monomi Ohno will make you regret just dumping all those Amazon boxes when you could have been
having fun with them.
And that's the round-up! Woop woop!
We'll be back in
McSwiggans on Monday the 08th of May for our next
Galway Pub Scrawl #185 - One Punch Scrawl.
If you like our works, you might give us a +1 with your Google+ account on this here post, or
RT our twitter account, or
join us on Facebook and
"like" our public page!