More Art & fun in the Pub! Are we warm enough yet? ARE WE? Galway is very warm, which might have explained the standing vibe going on in the group picture.
Merle, who was a staple of Pub Scrawl for the last year or so, has moved on to pastures new. So read her webcomic. We'll miss you, Merle!
Our visitors from America from oh so long ago started their own Drink and Draw meet-ups in Florida. Follow them through that event to get more info maybe?
Iggy recommended checking out the videos over on Hyperflesh. They're breathtaking.
Alanna found a cool video about rotoscoping and pixel Art -
Myself and James were both raving about new cool anatomy reference we found online, and it turned out we were both talking about the same people. He tried the desktop version, I tried the app - both really useful!
The Nationalmuseum Stockholm has posted a ton of hi-res images online from their collection. There's some really, really cool stuff there.