Our 4th Birthday is coming up fast, but our sister group's 4th birthday is first! If you're in Cork tomorrow, you can join the guys and girls of Drink Draw Cork in celebrating their 4th anniversary! We only do what we do cos we copied them, so go celebrate with them if you can (bring cake - they like cake).
Our own Katie Creaven is in the process of launching her own business, Scruffy Morris. Help out by liking her Facebook page.
This is going to be one of the best exhibitions around, consider yourself warned. :)
Friend of Pub Scrawl Daire Lynch is featuring at the Cong Fringe Festival on the 4th of October - check it out on Facebook for updates!
Daire is also running a fundit campaign for his project "Light in the Dark" which is aiming to collaborate with musicians to make a exhibition that focuses on music.
If you've always wondered why you should join us on Facebook, you'll be privy to awesome discussions of why you should or should not go to Art College, for one, as well as getting to see people's awesome Art, like this Medusa by Brian Cunningham! :)
There are some fantastic articles over at Art in Print that are free to read - most are behind their paywall - including this one on copying Durer's engravings.
We discussed photographing Artwork before - Dave Palumbo has a cheaper set-up than the last one we talked about.
I thought this portfolio site from Sergey Kritskiy was awesome.
Paul pointed us in the direction of this handy (ho ho ho) tutorial about drawing hands from nk-chan on deviantART

James Gurney posted up his own youtube week last week, with lots of cool goodies. I really liked this one - "Deluge Ends Painting Day"
Paggy pointed out this portfolio site on twitter while dubbing his style "retro futurism". It may be that, it's also very, very cool.
Ania Banannia linked to Posemaniacs. I'm not sure if we ever linked to it before, but it is a essential website for drawing practise. Check it out!
Stephanie Power linked to this lovely animation for a kickstarter project. Gorgeous concept art.
Tune in next week for photos from Galway Pub Scrawl #94 - Evil nuns are bad!. If you're in Cork tomorrow, go to Drink Draw Cork's FOURTH BIRTHDAY!!!!!! It'll serve as a nice warm-up for our own fourth birthday! I'm excited! You should be too!