Sadly, the last Dr. Sketchy's Galway of the year has been postponed... to be the first Dr. Sketchy's Galway of the New Year! Watch for the return of "80's Hair Metal theme" in February!
Gordon and Jay continue to produce their podcast - check it out!
If you're a skater/potential skater on Facebook, you can go "like" and hang out with Skate Galway
Magnetic Press are printing Tom DeLonge's Graphic Novel, "Poet". Patrick was obviously linking to this because of his love for Blink-182, but the trailer for the accompanying animated movie is also great:
Inktober led me to find a load of cool artists, but I really enjoyed the work of Raul Trevino.
I don't know a lot about Artstation, but I like their community interaction and the cool magazine-style articles they headline their main page with.
Patrick was obviously checking Aidan Moher's blog, where he was praising Dan Dos Santos' cover for The Fires of Heaven -

Olek produces crazy, inventive crocheted works.
There was an amazing gallery of horror Art over on the Richard Solomon Artist's representative blog.
A nice article on John Atkinson Grimshaw over at Amazing Stories revealed this subtle, atmospheric painter of Victorian England.
I loved the paintings and drawings from Kent Williams' latest gallery show - "How Human of You"
I forgot to link to International Self-Portrait Day, but you should go check out the wealth of Art on display over there.
Patrick was also linking to the previews for Sterling Hundley's illustrated version of Treasure Island.
And obviously this was myself and Patrick's weeks to shine, as he was also pointing us to this -
That's it for now! Join us on the Facebook page and come to McSwiggans next Monday at 20:30 for the next Galway Pub Scrawl #123 - This way for Art!
If you like our works, you might give us a +1 with your Google+ account on this here post, or RT our twitter account, or join us on Facebook!
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