Good old gathering at the Pub Scrawl -

My own effort - workings towards a comic I'm doing for POW!

Jodi continues to embroider - it's looking good.

Oisin gives us a... questionable... piece. :)

Mary does some awesome work from reference pics...

Jenny was in Haiku mood - here's one for Mary's pic.

We're all working hard -

John a good trolley in a river sketch. :D

So Jenny gives his piece a Haiku as well.

Ger does some *awesome* Power Armour.

Linda sticks it to the theme.

Iggy does some of the good stuff.

John gives us a second piece. Sorry about the exposure...

Linda did this cool painting of a tree on her Android Tablet device... an Archos, I think. The program she was using was called Paint Joy I think. There's a free version as well. It was very versatile and powerful.

So Ger grabbed the tablet and did a quick pic of Arnie! :D

That's that! For the next time around, on July 11th, for Galway Pub Scrawl #44 - Every time you steal a soul, you get an inch taller, we're moving to The Townhouse Bar which faces the Spanish Arch area. Just around here.
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