Friday, May 11, 2012

Member Focus May - Ger Coady

Our member focus swings to Ger Coady next. You can find more of him on DeviantArt and at his new blog, here. Don't forget we're on on monday - Pub Scrawl #62 - Listen all of Y'all!

My name is Gerard Coady and I have been drawing, painting, making things and making stuff up all of my life. I have always loved fantastical creations and imaginary worlds. In particular I like when they are done in all the detail of real life. I like knowing how things work and like to bring a believability of function into my own work. Although thats not to say one shouldn't stretch believability or just plain forget about it sometimes too. Plus I am a sucker for good style. I guess thats one of the most interesting things about this kind of art. The thin veil between realism and style.

Well before I digress into long ranting I should probably put some info in this bio.
A few years back I finished a physics degree and had enough of that. The main thing I learned was that art was the only thing that would ever truly satisfy me. Since then I have been learning and practicing in the hopes that eventually I can make a career out of this. Just this week I started my blog which I will be updating often with sketches and even a few finished works. With plenty of drivel like this to add flavour

One of the greatest thing about this whole art hoopla is the people. Getting involved in groups like the NUIG art society, hello to Podge! and Galway pubscrawl, hello Donal! Groups like these have been a great source of inspiration, information, tips, tricks and just plain old fun. Which is so important because thats why we all started in the first place and its good to be reminded of that.

Ok, I will wrap this up. Already. Was it a bio? Was it useful? Probably neither. But hopefully someone will take the time to read it. If not what the hell. Just look at the pictures. Thats what its all really for.

Thanks for your time everyone.
Gerard Coady.

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