Monday, September 9, 2013

Admin Monday 9th SEPT 2013

Only a week to our fourth birthday! Get ready for fun, frolics and cake!!!!!!!!


Jay finished his 100 Days in 100 Days project! Here's his post-mortem on the experience.

And here's the video -

Awesome, eh? Congratulate Jay on his blog.

Eva's sister, Maria, has started Drink and Draw München, so now you know what to do when you're in Munich. :)

AND there's a new Dublin Drink and Draw. The hunger, it spreads! Go visit them when in Dublin! Their first night is TONIGHT.

Daire Lynch pointed out that the Cong Fringe Festival is still looking for Musicians, Comedians & Performers.

And Daire also wanted to remind us of his fund::it - Light in the Dark.

Stephanie linked to the fund::it for "The Nymph" a very beautiful looking piece of animation -

And Katie had a contest on her Scruffy Morris page where she would Scruffy-ize your Facebook picture. I'll update the page with her winner later.


Katie had her own take on the new design of Lobo from DC's New 52.

Patrick linked to this jaw-dropping set of Middle-Earth Tarot cards by DeviantARTist SceithAilm

Michael completed his FFXIII gunblade project -

The Chelsey Awards & the Hugo Award for best Artist were on the weekend of the 1st of September. Check the links for cool Art!

Karla Ortiz is an outstanding Artist.

Patrick linked to a blog post about damage to the eye - we were skeptical on the Facebook group, but here's what's important - look after your eyes!!!

This Is Colossal has a cool idea for your sketch-books - Secret Fore-Edge Paintings.

Do you want a really cool articulated Dragon toy?

Brendan Derrig has a group portfolio site up with some of his new Canadian friends.

Come join us in a week for a little shindig we're calling Our 4th Birthday Party! Everyone wear a festive hat!

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