Monday, March 6, 2017

Admin Monday 06 MAR 2017

Admin Monday is back with a collection of links & updates from our Facebook Group and beyond! Join the group to get this information & invites to all our events first, and don't forget to check the Art from our last Pub Scrawl, The Land of Chocolate!



There's a cool event happening around NUIG this week (06 -10 March) - CampusCreate Creative Challenges - if you want to get involve, check out the event page.

And if you're about Dublin this week, it seems like you should be checking out the Festival de la Bande Dessinee on the 8th & 9th of March.

If you're in Galway instead, our very own Anita McGarry is exhibiting her photography in the Black Gate Cultural Centre on Wednesday the 8th as part of their Celebrating Women in the Arts in Galway event!

And stop the presses! Philip Barrett is drawing a series for Declan Shalvey coming from Image - Savage Town - a comic set in Limerick!


For those of us worried about a nightmare future where programs create Art, that future is almost here.

The campaign to have Iranian Cartoonist Eaten Fish released from detention in Australia continues - and has produced some wonderful pictures on Twitter under the hashtag #addafish - add a fish if you can!

Patrick was acting as a job fairy - there's a Design Internship at O'Brien Press.

Some artists are beyond wonderful. Check out Nesskain's portfolio site.

Patrick spotted this video over on our friends FB page, Drink & Draw Kilkenny -

Gallery Invasion from Skullmapping on Vimeo.

Giant Paper Cats Destroy Tokyo!

Need to wake up your eyeballs? Check out Arianna Robustelli's portfolio site!


We'll be back in McSwiggans on Monday the 13th of March for our next Galway Pub Scrawl #181 - Painting with our foreheads.

If you like our works, you might give us a +1 with your Google+ account on this here post, or RT our twitter account, or join us on Facebook and "like" our public page!

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