Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Huge, huge doings tonight as we celebrate Pub Scrawl's 3rd Birthday! Celebrations, sketches, cake and crafts! Thanks SO MUCH to all of y'all who came on down to have fun in the Pub.

There's still the exhibition in 091 labs for Culture Night this Friday, you guys. I am super excited. :) I hope it'll be at least approaching the fun of the birthday party.

Here's your pics - I have to get a few hours sleep before work in the morning, so full commentary, links, etc. when I have a chance!

Again, thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate. I have a little plan for next month called Sketchtoberfest! May the Pub Scrawl be ten times as good by this time next year - everyone who comes and participates makes the Pub Scrawl that much better every year, minimum. We are now at least a hundred times better than we were at the start. :D

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