Day Eight: Draw at least one 3-panel comic of your day (like an hourly comic)
01:00 AM - Donal Fallon

07:30 - Michelle McKinney

Waking up -
Aghna Fallon

Gordon MacKay

All day long -
Jay Penn

Philip Barrett

Gerard Coady -

Mike Dwyer -

James Newell -

Joris Burla -

Brian Cunningham -

12 - 2 PM - Donal Fallon

3 - 4 PM - Donal Fallon

of crafting & tea - Aideen Fallon

of creativity - Katie Creaven

of serving customers - Patrick Gavin

5PM - Donal Fallon

6PM - Donal Fallon

8:30 PM - Ciara Nulty

And sleep - Patrick Rogers

Tomorrow - Day 9: Just another Manic Monkey (Also Pub Scrawl #112! Come join us in McSwiggans if you're around Galway!)
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