Day Fourteen - The Wizard of Oz (with Dr. Sketchy's Galway)
Today is extra special as we go to Dr. Sketchy's for their Wizard of Oz theme! If you're in Galway, come to Kelly's bar and join us and them for a fun session of cabaret Life Drawing! Tickets are available on their website or at the door. If you're not in Galway, feel free to join the fun with your own Wizard of Oz-themed Art.
Dr. Sketchy:
If you're on Facebook, make sure to "like" Dr. Sketchy's Galway and our amazing models, Kat Moiselle & Shirma Dness.
Donal Fallon -

Gerard Coady -

Mo Keith -

Anita McGarry -

Patrick Gavin -

Katie Creaven -

Non-Dr. Sketchy :)
Aideen Fallon -

Brian Cunningham -

Philip Barrett -

Aghna Fallon -

Joris Burla -

James Newell -

Tomorrow: Day Fifteen - Design a Lady Knight
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