I've decided to throw up an update every monday. The "Pub Scrawl On" nights will have some snaps & pics from the night and the "Off" nights will have a few links and bits and pieces that I'm finding interesting...
Just a quick one for the first night - Comics Alliance are organising an art project that really floats my boat and is for a really good cause! Check it out at the the Comics Alliance/Legal Defence Fund Monster Project. It'll be well worth keeping an eye on the stuff that's going to be on auction as the months go on.
Friday, September 17, 2010
I hope everyone has seen the nice pics over at Drink & Draw Cork's blog. Do people want/need a once-weekly update on this blog for keeping abreast of cool art things I've found/learned from?
So no-one was around this evening, for work/rain/illness/misc. That's okay though - it was *miserable* out, I wouldn't have wished a trek through the rain on anyone.
Next Pub Scrawl in 2 weeks - 27th September 2010, McSwiggans Bar, Woodquay. Woop woop - check here & on facebook for more.
Should probably have done this earlier, but this here is a simple blog for the Galway Pub Scrawl group. You can find us on Facebook at the links at the side & see our other cousin? sister? brother? groups through their links as well.
We meet every 2 weeks in McSwiggans Bar on a Monday night at 20:30 'til close (-ish). We're just coming up on a year of doing this & there's more fun to be had in the year to come than the year gone. Coming up this Monday: