Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Galway Pub Scrawl #89 - Dr Who you looking at? PLUS pre-drawing challenge Admin round-up!

Another night of fun and hi-jinks in the pub! BUT FIRST - Our 31 Day Drawing Challenge kicks off next Monday, so we won't have any more Admin updates while all that hectic madness is going on, so here's what we've been talking about/looking at for the last week or so -


When this goes up you should still have a few hours left to help the Galway Festival Radio Fund it - coverage of all the Galway summer festivals! They only need a few bob for a great project to come good, so throw them some money if you have it to spare!

Friend of Pub Scrawl Daire Lynch has a cool promotional video:

Paul Conway was in touch with us looking for a digital artist - his words:

"I'm a freelance 2D game artist based in Galway, and I may be looking to outsource some graphics work in the coming weeks. It was recommended that I check out this group. Is there anyone posting / lurking here with decent drawing and digital art skills (E.G. Photoshop / Flash) that might be interested? I'd preferably like to work with somebody in the Galway area, but it's not a deal breaker."

You can contact him - paul (at) doomcube.com

And ArteCarnival are looking for people to fill a few more tables in their pop-up shop space!


ProkoTV has moved on from his facial features series to start on videos on drawing the whole figure -

While browsing for topics for the 31 Day Drawing Challenge, I found this : http://www.supercoloring.com/

Kim Thompson of Fantagraphics passed away last week - The Great God Pan is dead blog had a nice write up of a man who spent his life keeping the Art in comics.

And Pennance has a really nice deviantArt Gallery. :)

And now - the Art of today:

We were in the back bar! Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo loads of room and lots of drawing space!

Here's the busy table -

Alanna drew a Cat and a weird sex pervert Dwarf. :D

Dermo drew a tentacle James Gandolfini -

Linda was drawing a dolphin because Jay said Fungi didn't exist, or something....

And Jay was giving us a little sneak peek at the next head in his 100 head drawing self-challenge!

Here's the crafty table -

Helen working on this beautiful piece -

And Linda at her first Pub Scrawl!

Here's the kids table - ;)

Patrick was working away as usual

Ger was kicking ass with this cityscape.

Katie was drawing a tiny soprano...

And new Scrawler Liam drew this - awesome!

New Scrawler Laura was playing with text -

And Keith returned triumphantly with this -

I've forgotten what Kevin called this. It'll come back to me.

And, of course, the naughty table (which I'm including myself in)

Yolande was making this nice crochet piece...

Mary was working with her great markers colours.

And I was trying to draw a Tony Soprano for the Irish Sketch Society's weekly challenge.

And Chuck continues his career arc towards outsider sex art. ;)

This is why we love our friends in McSwiggans - they had left over profiteroles, so we got them! Yay!

Of course, Chuck had to dare Yolande to eat the whole thing at once, so she nearly died...

Come join us all through July for our 31 Day Drawing Challenge and on the 8th for the next Galway Pub Scrawl - number 90!!!! - Dirty Deals in the Backroom!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Admin Monday 17 JUN 2013 #goddamnititstuesdayagain

Another bunch of stuff from your friendly local Pub Scrawl! By the time the next one of these are due out, it'll be time for our annual 31 Day Drawing Challenge - so be ready for that on the first of July!


Myself, Jay and Patrick went wandering about the Burren with the Sceitse gang - There's some photographs around and some amount of Art was done (but not much cos it was very wet all day) which I'll have to try and round up to show you guys when I have a chance. :)

Update: I found some of those photographs

Nico made this sweet GPS promotional video:

Give him feedback over on youtube!

Jay is doing an awesome project of his own - 100 heads in 100 days - go check his blog out, immediately.


Long time friend and sometime Scrawler James Newell had some Art featured over on the Quaequam Blog

- I want to see more of that!

Today's Inspiration had a great post on Stan Galli. The other cool thing is they linked to where you can get an ebook of his "Solving Visual Problems: An Artist's Life" for free!

The ARC Art Renewal Centre has their 2013 ARC Salon winners up here - beautiful art over there.

You can - and should - buy a download version of the Jeffrey Catherine Jones documentary now. An amazing Artist who led quite a life - I'm really looking forward to seeing it.

I was saying over on our Facebook group that the Art blogs are great during the Summer because their output goes up and definitely give us more and more great links day in, day out. I came across this awesome one about colour, colour theory and sociology summarising the Berlin/Kay study - I'm making it sound boring again, but it isn't.

And Printeresting have been running an amazing series of articles on various MFA shows that have caught their eyes called All These Theses - I thought this one was particularly awesome from Sang Eun Lee!

That's it you guys! Come back in a week for another Pub Scrawl Art blast - Pub Scrawl #89: Dr Who you looking at? - and in two weeks time for our 31 Day Drawing Challenge 2013!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Galway Pub Scrawl #88 - Already one cultural reference behind....

Sorry about the terrible photos tonight - there seems to be an unwritten rule when I work before Pub Scrawl - I will forget my camera. :( Maybe it's just I'll be predictably tired and a bit confused. Anyway, all were taken on the smartphone rather than with a decent camera, so they ain't great. No group shot either, which makes me sad.

LOTS of Superman tonight, cos that was the theme over at our friends in the Irish Sketch Society.

Terrible photo of Ger's awesome piece - he thought I said Man *IN* Steel...

Yolande is working on in the craft corner - Helen was in too but ran away before I pulled the camera out!

Jay continues his awesome Wind in the Willows project!

And now - Supermans!

Mine -


Dermo's -

Nico's -

Oisin's -

and Mary's -

And Patrick was remote scrawling from Worcester - here's The Queen mixed with Queen, apparently. :)

Awesome! Come check back in a week for more updates and in two weeks time for another exciting Galway Pub Scrawl!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Admin Monday 3rd JUNE 2013

(Or Tuesday the 4th... y'know, whatever)


Some of us are motivated and ready to go on the Sceitse trip to the Burren! Get in touch or join their group on Facebook for more details.

From what I hear, the first night of Laydeez do Comics went well! Maybe we'll hear some more from Maura about it (or the next one - scheduled for September, I believe) soon.


Patrick found this invaluable tutorial -

or this tutorial invaluable?

Drawn! is gone. :( RIP. Here is a heart-felt farewell from it's founder.

I love the Art, Illustrations and Animations on display on Emmanuelle Walker's webpage.

There's a new book and teaching resource out for those who don't like drawing from reference. :)

ImagineFX were running a vote for "Best Artist" and "Best Cover" for their 100th issue, coming up soon... When the page was working it was a cool visual of all the Art they've lauded over the last 8 years or thereabouts. I don't think there's anything there now though. :( Keep an eye out for the 100th issue.

Our correspondent from the other side of the planet (although I believe she's working her way back as we speak), Ruth C, linked us to these awesome WWII illustrations by Weston Emmart.

And the Rijksmuseum are letting everyone download high res pictures of their collection - for free! (You do have to make an account, and if you are doing it for commercial reasons, you still owe them. Fair warning!)

And to wrap up this week, we'll leave you with this image by Patrick. Now you can't un-see it either. See you next week!