More Art & fun in the Pub! McSwiggans gave us free finger food! - They're so good to us. Our transplanted Cork Drink Draw'er - Anna - took some pictures of me working too, so I actually appear in this set!
We're currently assembling a "Galway Pub Scrawlbook" - it's going to be a collection of sketches and works from our Scrawlers. If you are a regular or even part-time member, hit up the event and get in touch to have your Art featured in the book.
Look at all these happy Scrawlers!
Katie and Patrick are working on something for the Scrawlbook!
I was drawing some action.
Yolande is very close to the end of this project - wait til you see it finished, you guys.
James had two things this week -
Patrick is trying to crack a certain facial expression -
And the lower table - also very happy.
Ger draws men in armour -
Chuck draws from fashion reference -
Alanna was back! Awesome drawings -
Michelle was crafting hard -
Jay was working on more of his bookmarks -
Ruth's toned paper drawings are class -
Anna's photos - look! Me working!
Katie in soft lighting. :)
That'll be the last Pub Scrawl of 2014 - The 22nd of December is too close to Christmas for comfort. We'll be back in our favourite pub, McSwiggans, on the 5th of January, for Galway Pub Scrawl #126 - how many scrawls would a Pub Scrawler scrawl if a Pub Scrawler could scrawl pubs?
If you like our works, you might give us a +1 with your Google+ account on this here post, or RT our twitter account, or join us on Facebook!
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Admin Monday 01 DEC 2014 (What? Wednesday? What?)
Some weeks I end up even further behind than usual... ;)
We're currently assembling a "Galway Pub Scrawlbook" - it's going to be a collection of sketches and works from our Scrawlers. If you are a regular or even part-time member, hit up the event and get in touch to have your Art featured in the book.
Join us in McSwiggan's on Monday the 8th of December for our next Galway Pub Scrawl - #125!! Boundaries (and how to break them), where we will be joined by the "Big Knit Party" - if you or anyone you know would like to learn a bit about knitting, follow the link to Facebook and buy a ticket using the instructions there. You can get the tickets at this link, but there are steps to follow, so go over to the Facebook link first. The ticket gets you all the materials you need, and regular Pub Scrawl shenanigans will be going on as usual!
The Sky Arts Portrait Artist of the Year show has been fairly entertaining this year - you should go check it out! There is a good gallery of entrants up on their site.
As shared sketchbooks are on my mind, I went over to Moleskine's official sketch blog, Moleskinerie. There is some super cool stuff there recently.
Ragz thought these 16th Century/Super Hero mash-ups were interesting.
Yolande warped our minds with these 3D tattoos.
Mary was interested in Moleskine and Adobe's collaboration on a sketchbook you can digitise using clever tech. It reminded me of Mod Notebooks, although they're not quite as immediate.
Iggy was linking to a blend of Food and Art.
If you want to see amazing storyboards from Alien:Isolation, you go here. The same guy (Calum Watt) has an awesome Sketch Blog.
GoniArt puts up amazing process pictures on this blog right here.
Ruth linked to this awesome video -
If you like our works, you might give us a +1 with your Google+ account on this here post, or RT our twitter account, or join us on Facebook!
We're currently assembling a "Galway Pub Scrawlbook" - it's going to be a collection of sketches and works from our Scrawlers. If you are a regular or even part-time member, hit up the event and get in touch to have your Art featured in the book.
Join us in McSwiggan's on Monday the 8th of December for our next Galway Pub Scrawl - #125!! Boundaries (and how to break them), where we will be joined by the "Big Knit Party" - if you or anyone you know would like to learn a bit about knitting, follow the link to Facebook and buy a ticket using the instructions there. You can get the tickets at this link, but there are steps to follow, so go over to the Facebook link first. The ticket gets you all the materials you need, and regular Pub Scrawl shenanigans will be going on as usual!
The Sky Arts Portrait Artist of the Year show has been fairly entertaining this year - you should go check it out! There is a good gallery of entrants up on their site.
As shared sketchbooks are on my mind, I went over to Moleskine's official sketch blog, Moleskinerie. There is some super cool stuff there recently.
Ragz thought these 16th Century/Super Hero mash-ups were interesting.
Yolande warped our minds with these 3D tattoos.
Mary was interested in Moleskine and Adobe's collaboration on a sketchbook you can digitise using clever tech. It reminded me of Mod Notebooks, although they're not quite as immediate.
Iggy was linking to a blend of Food and Art.
If you want to see amazing storyboards from Alien:Isolation, you go here. The same guy (Calum Watt) has an awesome Sketch Blog.
GoniArt puts up amazing process pictures on this blog right here.
Ruth linked to this awesome video -
If you like our works, you might give us a +1 with your Google+ account on this here post, or RT our twitter account, or join us on Facebook!
art blog,
drink and draw,
galway pub scrawl,
good links,
irish drink draw,
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Galway Pub Scrawl #124 - More forested than you!
More Art & fun in the Pub!
Stuart Hall -
Gerard Coady -
Anna Giersz -
Jay Penn -
Yolande O'Brien -
Michelle McKinney -
Kevin McNamara -
Patrick Gavin -
Mary Lillis -
Alan Cunningham -
Donal Fallon -
Iggy Roddy -
Cody Shafer -
That's it - that's all! If you fancy trying your hand or just hanging out with us and having a good laugh, join us in McSwiggan's on Monday the 8th of December for our next Galway Pub Scrawl - #125!! Boundaries (and how to break them), where we will be joined by the "Big Knit Party" - if you or anyone you know would like to learn a bit about knitting, follow the link to Facebook and buy a ticket using the instructions there. You can get the tickets at this link, but there are steps to follow, so go over to the Facebook link first. The ticket gets you all the materials you need, and regular Pub Scrawl shenanigans will be going on as usual!
If you like our works, you might give us a +1 with your Google+ account on this here post, or RT our twitter account, or join us on Facebook!
Stuart Hall -
Gerard Coady -
Anna Giersz -
Jay Penn -
Yolande O'Brien -
Michelle McKinney -
Kevin McNamara -
Patrick Gavin -
Mary Lillis -
Alan Cunningham -
Donal Fallon -
Iggy Roddy -
Cody Shafer -
That's it - that's all! If you fancy trying your hand or just hanging out with us and having a good laugh, join us in McSwiggan's on Monday the 8th of December for our next Galway Pub Scrawl - #125!! Boundaries (and how to break them), where we will be joined by the "Big Knit Party" - if you or anyone you know would like to learn a bit about knitting, follow the link to Facebook and buy a ticket using the instructions there. You can get the tickets at this link, but there are steps to follow, so go over to the Facebook link first. The ticket gets you all the materials you need, and regular Pub Scrawl shenanigans will be going on as usual!
If you like our works, you might give us a +1 with your Google+ account on this here post, or RT our twitter account, or join us on Facebook!
art blog,
drink and draw,
galway pub,
galway pub scrawl,
irish drink draw,
things to do in Galway
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Admin Monday 17th NOV 2014
More links and updates from your friendly Pub Scrawlers!
We're going to try and put together a Galway Pub Scrawl Sketchbook for the end of the Year. If you are even a part-time Pub Scrawler or 30 Day Drawing Challengeer, you can put some Art in for the "Galway Pub Scrawlbook 2014". Details are on the Facebook Page. If you're a supporter, the Scrawlbook will be available to pick up soon (-ish)!
Our friends in Dr. Sketchy's Dublin are getting profiled on TG4 this Thursday at 22:10 Irish time! Keep an eye out!
Everyone has probably seen the Bill Watterson page for Angouleme?
Speaking of cartooning, I enjoy the posts on the "Things by Dan" blog, especially when he breaks down types of pens and their mark making capabilities.
If you haven't seen the products from International Self Portrait Day, you are MISSING OUT. Get on over to the Facebook Album and be inspired.
I've been looking for a good write-up of the 80:20 (also sometimes called the 70:30) rule/concept. While I continue my hunt/warm up to bother to do one myself, here's a great post on Contrast and Variety over at the Temple of the Seven Golden Camels.
Helen linked to Molly Crabapple's 15 rules to creative success in the Internet Age on Boing Boing.
This project by Austin Light illustrates movie titles with one letter removed. Excellent concepts.
The key to awesome fake game trailers is 100% commitment -
The Great God Pan is Dead was linking to these awesome videos from the "Cute!" exhibit at Rice Cubicle :
Iggy was also linking to videos this week - real cool ones about floating ink on water to make pictures
Could you enjoy a music video made with pen & ink? I did -
That was the fun we were having over on Facebook for the last fortnight! Come hang out with us next Monday in McSwiggans for Galway Pub Scrawl #124 - more forested than you!.
If you like our works, you might give us a +1 with your Google+ account on this here post, or RT our twitter account, or join us on Facebook!
We're going to try and put together a Galway Pub Scrawl Sketchbook for the end of the Year. If you are even a part-time Pub Scrawler or 30 Day Drawing Challengeer, you can put some Art in for the "Galway Pub Scrawlbook 2014". Details are on the Facebook Page. If you're a supporter, the Scrawlbook will be available to pick up soon (-ish)!
Our friends in Dr. Sketchy's Dublin are getting profiled on TG4 this Thursday at 22:10 Irish time! Keep an eye out!
Everyone has probably seen the Bill Watterson page for Angouleme?
Speaking of cartooning, I enjoy the posts on the "Things by Dan" blog, especially when he breaks down types of pens and their mark making capabilities.
If you haven't seen the products from International Self Portrait Day, you are MISSING OUT. Get on over to the Facebook Album and be inspired.
I've been looking for a good write-up of the 80:20 (also sometimes called the 70:30) rule/concept. While I continue my hunt/warm up to bother to do one myself, here's a great post on Contrast and Variety over at the Temple of the Seven Golden Camels.
Helen linked to Molly Crabapple's 15 rules to creative success in the Internet Age on Boing Boing.
This project by Austin Light illustrates movie titles with one letter removed. Excellent concepts.
The key to awesome fake game trailers is 100% commitment -
Starr Mazer from Imagos Films on Vimeo.
The Great God Pan is Dead was linking to these awesome videos from the "Cute!" exhibit at Rice Cubicle :
The Leaf Woman & the Centaur from Jordan Bruner on Vimeo.
Iggy was also linking to videos this week - real cool ones about floating ink on water to make pictures
Post by Emil Nushkov.
Could you enjoy a music video made with pen & ink? I did -
Last Ex- Girl Seizure from Gabe Mangold on Vimeo.
That was the fun we were having over on Facebook for the last fortnight! Come hang out with us next Monday in McSwiggans for Galway Pub Scrawl #124 - more forested than you!.
If you like our works, you might give us a +1 with your Google+ account on this here post, or RT our twitter account, or join us on Facebook!
art blog,
art links,
drink and draw,
galway pub,
galway pub scrawl,
irish drink draw,
things to do in Galway
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Galway Pub Scrawl #123 - This way for Art
drink and draw,
galway pub scrawl,
sketching in galway,
things to do in Galway
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Admin Mon (Tues) day 03 NOV 2014
Another round of links and updates from your friendly local Pub Scrawl! This is the kind of stuff you can find us discussing over on our Facebook page!
Sadly, the last Dr. Sketchy's Galway of the year has been postponed... to be the first Dr. Sketchy's Galway of the New Year! Watch for the return of "80's Hair Metal theme" in February!
Gordon and Jay continue to produce their podcast - check it out!
If you're a skater/potential skater on Facebook, you can go "like" and hang out with Skate Galway
Magnetic Press are printing Tom DeLonge's Graphic Novel, "Poet". Patrick was obviously linking to this because of his love for Blink-182, but the trailer for the accompanying animated movie is also great:
Inktober led me to find a load of cool artists, but I really enjoyed the work of Raul Trevino.
I don't know a lot about Artstation, but I like their community interaction and the cool magazine-style articles they headline their main page with.
Patrick was obviously checking Aidan Moher's blog, where he was praising Dan Dos Santos' cover for The Fires of Heaven -
Olek produces crazy, inventive crocheted works.
There was an amazing gallery of horror Art over on the Richard Solomon Artist's representative blog.
A nice article on John Atkinson Grimshaw over at Amazing Stories revealed this subtle, atmospheric painter of Victorian England.
I loved the paintings and drawings from Kent Williams' latest gallery show - "How Human of You"
I forgot to link to International Self-Portrait Day, but you should go check out the wealth of Art on display over there.
Patrick was also linking to the previews for Sterling Hundley's illustrated version of Treasure Island.
And obviously this was myself and Patrick's weeks to shine, as he was also pointing us to this -
That's it for now! Join us on the Facebook page and come to McSwiggans next Monday at 20:30 for the next Galway Pub Scrawl #123 - This way for Art!
If you like our works, you might give us a +1 with your Google+ account on this here post, or RT our twitter account, or join us on Facebook!
Sadly, the last Dr. Sketchy's Galway of the year has been postponed... to be the first Dr. Sketchy's Galway of the New Year! Watch for the return of "80's Hair Metal theme" in February!
Gordon and Jay continue to produce their podcast - check it out!
If you're a skater/potential skater on Facebook, you can go "like" and hang out with Skate Galway
Magnetic Press are printing Tom DeLonge's Graphic Novel, "Poet". Patrick was obviously linking to this because of his love for Blink-182, but the trailer for the accompanying animated movie is also great:
Inktober led me to find a load of cool artists, but I really enjoyed the work of Raul Trevino.
I don't know a lot about Artstation, but I like their community interaction and the cool magazine-style articles they headline their main page with.
Patrick was obviously checking Aidan Moher's blog, where he was praising Dan Dos Santos' cover for The Fires of Heaven -
Olek produces crazy, inventive crocheted works.
There was an amazing gallery of horror Art over on the Richard Solomon Artist's representative blog.
A nice article on John Atkinson Grimshaw over at Amazing Stories revealed this subtle, atmospheric painter of Victorian England.
I loved the paintings and drawings from Kent Williams' latest gallery show - "How Human of You"
I forgot to link to International Self-Portrait Day, but you should go check out the wealth of Art on display over there.
Patrick was also linking to the previews for Sterling Hundley's illustrated version of Treasure Island.
And obviously this was myself and Patrick's weeks to shine, as he was also pointing us to this -
That's it for now! Join us on the Facebook page and come to McSwiggans next Monday at 20:30 for the next Galway Pub Scrawl #123 - This way for Art!
If you like our works, you might give us a +1 with your Google+ account on this here post, or RT our twitter account, or join us on Facebook!
admin monday,
art blog,
galway pub scrawl,
good links,
things to do in Galway,
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Galway Pub Scrawl #122 - inevitable Halloween reference
Such a great night at our Galway Pub Scrawl! So much fun, and so much talent on display! POW! Check out the Art -
The noisy table -
The quiet table -
Anita McGarry -
Cody Ray Shafer -
Philip Barrett -
Stuart Hall -
Patrick Gavin -
Patrick got two today, as he did these great Zig & Zag pieces -
Gerard Coady -
Alan Cunningham -
Mary Lillis -
Katrina O'Connor -
Donal Fallon -
James Newell -
Iggy was reading his troops -
And Katie was knocking the face-painting out of the park! She made Ger into a Cat -
and added to Katrina's smile -
And painted this on her own hand - I didn't even get the end result. Spirals and swirls joined this heart all over -
WOAH! What a great night. Make sure to come join us in 2 weeks time for our next Galway Pub Scrawl - #123! Wooooo!
If you like our works, you might give us a +1 with your Google+ account on this here post, or RT our twitter account, or join us on Facebook!
The noisy table -
The quiet table -
Anita McGarry -
Cody Ray Shafer -
Philip Barrett -
Stuart Hall -
Patrick Gavin -
Patrick got two today, as he did these great Zig & Zag pieces -
Gerard Coady -
Alan Cunningham -
Mary Lillis -
Katrina O'Connor -
Donal Fallon -
James Newell -
Iggy was reading his troops -
And Katie was knocking the face-painting out of the park! She made Ger into a Cat -
and added to Katrina's smile -
And painted this on her own hand - I didn't even get the end result. Spirals and swirls joined this heart all over -
WOAH! What a great night. Make sure to come join us in 2 weeks time for our next Galway Pub Scrawl - #123! Wooooo!
If you like our works, you might give us a +1 with your Google+ account on this here post, or RT our twitter account, or join us on Facebook!
drink and draw,
galway pub,
galway pub scrawl,
things to do in Galway
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