Here are your photos:
Mo and Ashy get drawing!

Ash's Pub Scrawl -

Mo's pic. I screwed up on the flash. The human skull is saying "Hey Buddy, why the long face?" :)

Yolande & Jodi make our craft corner!

I'm in a picture!

Myself and Jenny have a Totoro-off! Somehow hers is cute and mine looks hungover.

Jenny was on a Miyazaki kick - No-Face and some of those rattle head guys!

Myself, Jenny, Patrick and Helen at work.

Eoghan and Cathy almost seem to be studying..

At least until Cathy starts making comics!

Patrick is in a mood...

... to make cool sketches!

Helen at work...

The end of the table at work.

Mary working on Sleeping Beauty...

Ger with his work - a blank page!!!!

Only kidding. Ger was really busy this evening, I screwed the picture with the flash again.

And Keith felt that our bartender should be honoured on the blog because of this finely drawn pint.

Back in two weeks with another Galway Pub Scrawl!