Monday, September 23, 2013

Admin Monday 23rd SEPT 2013

Wow, our 4th Birthday Party was a blast! Thanks to the staff of McSwiggans again for putting up with us & all who came. Those who couldn't make it, it was not the same without ye. :) Come and join us again soon!

Here's your admin Monday round-up of everything we were looking at on our Facebook group -


We have a twitter account for our announcements! Follow us @galwaypubscrawl

24 hour comic day is approaching fast on October the 5th! We'll keep you apprised of the details, but we'll be repeating last years heroic run somewhere, somehow.

Stephanie linked to a great looking font design workshop in Dublin on October the 3rd. It's quite pricey, but I bet it would be worth it.

And Daire Lynch wants you! to go to the Cong Fringe Festival.


Arnie Fenner has some reason to add to the recent "greatest commencement speeches ever" trend. It's okay to slog at the coal face. Keep your feet on the ground while your eyes are trained on the sky.

Nicola Verlato mixes classical painting, Greek Myth and Sci-Fi in awesome compositions.

There was a great post on imgur about how to recognise different Artists. It's like an Art History survey course in one page.

Aaron Beck is an awesome concept artist who worked on Elysium - there's some concept work up from the film.

Did you ever hear of One Thousand Thousand? Artists Jason A. McHenry and Christopher Dyer have been working on making a million paintings together, sometimes with other people involved too. They've waxed and waned on output over the years, but are currently on a high spell. You can buy them on their website, but it's the pure collaboration involved that I like. or on Facebook.

The limited animation in this story's illustrations are really cool, very well done. Just scroll down through the page to watch stuff move about as you go. Very clever!

That's it, that's all - make sure to join us next week for - Holy moly - Pub Scrawl #96! Meaner than bikers to PETA!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Our 4th Birthday! Woo-hoo!

We had a kicking 4th birthday! Huge thanks to the super friendly staff at McSwiggans as always for their years of tolerating us. :D And thanks to everyone who turned up, and all who brought treats. Helen, Katie & Yolande brought delicious baked goods. :) We all had a great time - 4 more years!

Here's the group cake shot!

And here's a rare Pub Scrawl pic - one with me in it!

Mo was rocking the Balloon Animals....

... but being Mo, she didn't take them too seriously.

Yolande was keeping the craft quotient up.

While I was showing Katie how to make butterflies.

Katie was making some of her great Scruffy Designs as well - and wearing a lovely tiara!

While Dermo had his take on a Japanese plate pattern.

Patrick was rocking a hat and drawing some awesome stuff.

While Mary was also on the origami train...

... and drawing beautiful trees.

Jay was knocking it out of the park with these pieces.

And I was doing some Sci-Fi.

Oisin was drawing this great picture, but my flash washed it out a bit. :(

And Alan drew this - nice.

BOOM! Great birthday you guys. You can follow us on twitter now for announcements. Make sure to check back next Monday for our admin updates and in two weeks for another amazing PUB SCRAWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Admin Monday 9th SEPT 2013

Only a week to our fourth birthday! Get ready for fun, frolics and cake!!!!!!!!


Jay finished his 100 Days in 100 Days project! Here's his post-mortem on the experience.

And here's the video -

Awesome, eh? Congratulate Jay on his blog.

Eva's sister, Maria, has started Drink and Draw München, so now you know what to do when you're in Munich. :)

AND there's a new Dublin Drink and Draw. The hunger, it spreads! Go visit them when in Dublin! Their first night is TONIGHT.

Daire Lynch pointed out that the Cong Fringe Festival is still looking for Musicians, Comedians & Performers.

And Daire also wanted to remind us of his fund::it - Light in the Dark.

Stephanie linked to the fund::it for "The Nymph" a very beautiful looking piece of animation -

And Katie had a contest on her Scruffy Morris page where she would Scruffy-ize your Facebook picture. I'll update the page with her winner later.


Katie had her own take on the new design of Lobo from DC's New 52.

Patrick linked to this jaw-dropping set of Middle-Earth Tarot cards by DeviantARTist SceithAilm

Michael completed his FFXIII gunblade project -

The Chelsey Awards & the Hugo Award for best Artist were on the weekend of the 1st of September. Check the links for cool Art!

Karla Ortiz is an outstanding Artist.

Patrick linked to a blog post about damage to the eye - we were skeptical on the Facebook group, but here's what's important - look after your eyes!!!

This Is Colossal has a cool idea for your sketch-books - Secret Fore-Edge Paintings.

Do you want a really cool articulated Dragon toy?

Brendan Derrig has a group portfolio site up with some of his new Canadian friends.

Come join us in a week for a little shindig we're calling Our 4th Birthday Party! Everyone wear a festive hat!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Who cares! 100 episodes -

Jay Penn said he was going to draw 100 heads in 100 days - and he did it! Go check him out, share it around, +1 his blog, whatever. The kid did good, and its nice to see a cool project come to a close.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Galway Pub Scrawl #94 - Evil nuns are bad!!!

Another night of Art and fun in the pub! We had a great time as always, but I didn't get a photo of everyone's Art. :( Sorry Helen & Oisin!

Here's a very crude panorama of us all hanging out!

Alanna was working on getting metallic textures in pencil. It's quite tricky - and so easy in photoshop. Something for us all to work on.

Ger was drawing one of his intricate buildings - he also did another piece later, but I missed that too. :(

Casey drew this awesome portrait!

I was doing this boat pic. I was copying an idea I saw in the Wally Wood book (fair notice).

Mary was drawing these cool guys.

And Katie was getting the Cyclops "Scruffy". :)

Yolande was crafting away as usual - I missed a pic of Helen's crocheting.

That's it for another Pub Scrawl! Come on back next week for another round of cool updates and links, or join us on the Facebook group to stay ahead of the game. And then in two Mondays time, come to McSwiggans for our 4TH BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone wear a festive Hat!