Pubscrawl regular Jay Penn and friend of Pub Scrawl/Drawing Challenge regular Gordon MacKay have started their own Podcast, Gord and Jay talk Art. Follow their exploits at the blog and like their page on Facebook to show them some love.
The next Dr. Sketchy's Galway on the 8th of November is the last one of the year! Make sure to come FILL THE PLACE UP and show them the love they deserve for having given us a great year of amazing themes, performances and Art! This one is 80's HAIR METAL THEME!!! How can you NOT go?
I don't know how far to go back to make up for my absence of updates... *deep breath*... here we go -
Mary linked to this awesome Character Design Reference resource
I loved the animation in this video -
AND I'm sure you've all seen Stephen Byrne's animated concepts for Buffy and Dr. Who, but you probably need to see them again -
Iggy was sharing from London Street-Art design's pool of photos on Facebook, including "LSD".
Patrick linked to the amazing looking exhibition coming in Trinity College Dublin - "Upon the Wild Waves": A journey through myth in children's books, running from October 2014 to March 2015.
INKtober is in full swing! There are so many amazing people making so much amazing Art with just pen and ink (and maybe occasionally some cheating) all over Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook etc etc. It was all started by the notorious Mr. Jake Parker, but a good way to keep up is to check out the Inktober Bot on twitter - it retweets everything with the #inktober hashtag.
Juan Carlos Ruiz Burgos made these amazing Saturday Evening Post/Superhero mock up covers that took my breath away
Alanna linked us to this Tumblr by Aubrey Williams - the illustrations of animal anatomy in it are fantastic!
Gerard pointed us towards this Irish Times feature on the great work being done in the Order 66 Creatures and Effects studio (yes, yes, Dermo, your mates! :) )
Brian Cunningham of Drink Draw Sligo was linking to the Rough Draft Design & New Media Conference last weekend in Sligo. We must get some updates from them to see how it went on!
AND he was linking to James Charles' pop culture paintings on money! Very cool!
AND Brian also linked to the exceptional illustration work of Nigel Buchanan.
Patrick and Katie were in Paris, and Patrick was very taken by the works of John Martin. So much so he had to share "The Pandemonium" with us -

And Iggy found an awesome thing to do with your shelves, if you want to do some DIY Art.
Jen-eye linked to these fun pictures of caffinated owls.
This guy, Jakub Rozalski, makes AMAZING ART.
Patrick linked to this cool contest if you want to make 3D poly models of LoL stuff!?! ;)
Iggy linked to the charming Truth Facts.
The "Lost" Loomis book, I'd Love to Draw is getting a re-release.
Udon Entertainment is printing a book of the concept Art for a game that will never be made, Substrata.
That's it from us! Make sure to come join us on Monday night in McSwiggans, the 27th of October for Galway Pub Scrawl #122 - inevitable Halloween reference.
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