It's the start of the 2016 31 day Drawing Challenge!
Day One : Portrait of a Child
Donal Fallon -
Pat Rogers -
Fiona Flavin -
Katie Creaven - After Oliver
Edel Ryder-Hanrahan -
Vanessa Cruz -
Patrick Gavin -
Siobhan Potter -
Tara Hanlon -
Clara Clareta -
Carmel Mannion -
Brian Cunningham -
James Newell -
Tytti Anttila -
Nico -
Aisling Bradley -
Carolyn McKenna -
Virginia Black -
Baska Szostak
Ciara Brehony -
Mary Lillis -
Michelle McKinney -
Patrick Delaney -
Anita McGarry -
Carrie Lewis -
Aimee O'Neill -
Dermot Canniffe -
Rebecca Bourke -
The 31 Day Drawing Challenge 2016 is upon us again. Check the link for the list of topics this year.
As usual, you can find us next Monday the 04th of JUL, 2016 in McSwiggans for the next regular Galway Pub Scrawl #163 - Pub Scrawl God/Effigy (the 4th day of our 31 Day Drawing Challenge!).
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