Thursday, July 14, 2016

31 Day Drawing Challenge JUL 2016 - Narrative Week! Day Fourteen: The Minion

We thought we'd try a narrative week for our 31 Day Drawing Challenge, after seeing how cool Keegan Kaya McGee's Wizard War Challenge was. So the challenge is to link some pics together for the week - on Day Fourteen: What Minion does our Hero face?

Donal Fallon -

Tytti Anttila -

Brian Cunningham -

James Newell -

Siobhan Potter -

Aimee O'Neill -

Fiona Flavin -

Virginia Black -

Dermot Canniffe -

Baska Szostak -

Patrick Delaney -

Patrick Gavin -


The 31 Day Drawing Challenge 2016 is upon us again. Check the link for the list of topics this year.

On Monday the 18th of JUL, 2016 in McSwiggans we'll be having the next Galway Pub Scrawl #164 - Summer Nights (the 18th day of our 31 Day Drawing Challenge!).

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