Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Pub Scrawl luvs 091 Labs

So we've been asked to exhibit some stuff in 091 labs for Culture Night on the 21st of September. We're gathering support over in a Facebook Event. Pop on over there if you're interested in joining in the gathering. It doesn't matter how tangential your relationship to Pub Scrawl is, we'ld be glad to hear from you.

The current plan is to take over one wall of the Labs and exhibit all over it, but the discussion may change depending on how things go. We may debut the Anthology Comic on the same night if we have it back from the printers! Excitement! Adventure! Come join us and the guys from 091 Labs on the night anyway for some festivities.

Thanks guys.

donalfall out.


  1. Anthology Comic ??? is it open submissions? any time left to submit stuff?
