James Newell - The Wood Knot

Donal Fallon - Cthulhu

Rebecca - Mayan Water Lilly Jaguar

Joe Mac - Thor

Mary Lillis - Medusa

Kevin Gough - The Kraken

Jay Penn - Danu

Alan Cunningham -
Liosa Mac - The Celtic Bear Goddess, Artio

Erika King - Unicorn

Kernan Andrews - Medusa

PaddyD - Dragon

Andrew Judge - Ghosts

Michelle McKinney - Sirens

Brian Cunningham - Goblin

Bernard McGlinchey - Vampire

Daire Lynch - Kelpie

Gordon MacKay - Minotaur

Ciara Nulty - The Children of Lir

Katie Creaven - Hades & Persephone

Ciara Brehony - The Pheonix

Michael Cruaghwell - The Archangel Michael & Firey Sword

Grace Mitchell - Smaug

Katrina O'Connor - Leprechaun

Ani Chioma Kulapo - Baphomet

Patrick Gavin - Set

Anita McGarry - Hercules

Rachel Fallon - The Domestic Goddess

really sweet Cthulhu, Donal
Ha! Thanks James. I was trying to make him teddy-bear looking.